Xiffen Priestess

The Oasis found at the opposite pole of the poisoned ocean has given birth to a new environment where wounds heal much faster and the inhabitants live in communion with the nature. The fumes floating around are providing a powerful narcotic effect that affects everything, not just humanoid beings, but plants as well. Whoever lives there is addicted to the air there so he cannot leave, but he will never want for anything. There is no hunger, no thirst, no desire of any kind. Hence, the need for garment is becoming less and less important. People living there are called the Xiffens and they wear very simple thin clothing which, being made by plants grown there, it’s almost alive and it’s more of a symbiotic relationship between the wearer and the clothes than anything else.
Since disease has no place here, the Xiffens are extremely long lived and since their entire nourishment comes from the environment, they are regarded as perfect creatures by everyone else on the planet. However, living the effects of the air there are so powerful, that entering their sanctuary kills most of the adventurers and leaving it kills any creature within a few hours. Legends speak of mutilated creatures that left the paradise and survived the agony, but nobody actually knows. The most long-lived among the Xiffens are the females, reaching beyond thousands of years in age. They are regarded as extremely powerful and wise, their connection with the environment becoming so strong that they can dictate all kinds of phenomenons within, like instant freezing or bursts of fire wherever they please. The locals call them Priestesses, yet there is nothing religious or kind about them, since they represent both the ruling fist and havoc bringers inside the Oasis.

Xiffen Priestess by Khaoz